Michael Zettel
Country Managing Director Accenture Austria

What does the USA mean for you personally?
LA is my second home. The USA has shaped me like no other nation – in my childhood through TV series, cinema and music, and in my career with its values, approaches and can-do-attitude.
What does the USA mean for your company?
Accenture has its roots in the USA and is listed on the NYSE. We practice an American way of working – even though we are very local in Austria, we take a lot of the US spirit with us.
How important are the relations between Austria and the USA?
It is an underestimated relationship with significance importance to Austria as the US is one of the top 3 trade partners. I am convinced that we could get a lot more out of it. Right now we can see again how important common values are. This is a deep and long-term relationship.
How can the relations between the two countries be improved and intensified?
On the one hand, we must eliminate prejudices through education, and on the other hand we must not play ourselves out of the game through excessive regulation.
How can you/your company benefit more from bilateral trade?
We need the hyperscalers to deliver cloud computing to Austrian companies. This will be a decisive competitive factor in the future and the foundation for the digital transformation.
What can Austria do better?
We have to remove barriers – those in law and regulations and those in people’s minds.
What can the USA do better?
See Europe and the EU as partners in geopolitics and the global economy.
What can we learn from each other?
Austria needs more American Dream mentality. The U.S. can learn education with the apprenticeship program, which can be a critical response in an age of skills and labor shortages.
What has been the best AmCham experience so far?
The intensive exchange with interesting stakeholders and the close alignment with the US Embassy. The AmCham is a great Austrian-US-business community!
What do you expect from AmCham?
Make a real impact on trade and relationship between USA and Austria.