Access to US embassy and political decision makers
As a member of AmCham Austria you have access to the resources and support of the US embassy in Austria, including the ability to connect with political decision makers in the US and Austria. Members can use the platform to engage in discussions and advocacy efforts on trade and investment policies.
Networking with business and industry leaders
AmCham provides networking opportunities with business and industry leaders, serving as a vital platform for connecting with influential professionals. Whether seeking partnerships, mentorship, or new business prospects, AmCham offers a dynamic environment for building relationships with key leaders in the business community.

AmCham Austria represents the interests of its members in policy discussions and advocacy efforts. This includes lobbying for policies that support interests of the American and Austrian businesses.
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U.S. embassy in Austria
The U.S. EMBASSY IN AUSTRIA is dedicated to advancing the interests of the United States in Austria in all areas of the U.S.-Austria relationship including its dynamic trade and investment flows. The U.S. is Austria’s second most important export market and fifth most important investment location worldwide.
The U.S. Department of Commerce’s SelectUSA program provides connections and information that assist international companies in establishing U.S. operations. U.S. companies can also benefit from the Department’s services to find business partners in Austria and throughout the world.

Außenwirtschaft Austria
Die AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA – mit ihrem weltweiten Netzwerk von mehr als 100 Büros in über 70 Ländern – ist als Teil der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (WKÖ) die Internationalisierungs- und Innovationsagentur der österreichischen Wirtschaft.
Die AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT hilft allen heimischen Unternehmen eine Brücke in die Welt zu bauen. Sie positioniert, berät und vernetzt in allen Belangen der Internationalisierung im In- und Ausland mit dem Ziel, die richtigen Partner für österreichische Unternehmen zu finden.
Weiters beobachtet die AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT globale Trends und ermöglicht – über die richtigen Partnernetzwerke in den wichtigsten Technologie- und Innovationsdrehscheiben der Welt – österreichischen Unternehmen einen einfacheren Zugang zu globalem Wissen.
European Brand Institute
The EUROPEAN BRAND INSTITUTE (EBI) is Europe’s leading research institute for the evaluation of intangible assets.
Their key activities emphasize on brand value and patent value.
Through their research and participation in the international standardization of brand and patent valuation and especially the new ISO on brand evaluation, as well as their advisory and consulting services, they contribute to a sustainable development in Europe and globally.

Leitbetriebe Austria
LEITBETRIEBE AUSTRIA zeichnet die vorbildhaften Unternehmen der österreichischen Wirtschaft aus und repräsentiert diese öffentlichkeitswirksam.
Nachhaltiger Unternehmenserfolg, Innovationskraft sowie gesellschaftlich, sozial und ökologisch verantwortungsvolles Handeln sind die Kriterien für das Prädikat „Leitbetriebe Austria“.
Unter dem Dach der gemeinsamen Marke bietet die Exzellenz-Plattform den Leitbetrieben einen exklusiven Erfahrungs- und Wissensaustausch, wertvolle Kooperationen und Beziehungen auf höchster Ebene.
Verband Österreichischer Software Industrie
The EUROPEAN BRAND INSTITUTE (EBI) is Europe’s leading research institute for the evaluation of intangible assets.
Their key activities emphasize on brand value and patent value.
Through their research and participation in the international standardization of brand and patent valuation and especially the new ISO on brand evaluation, as well as their advisory and consulting services, they contribute to a sustainable development in Europe and globally.