A pat on the back vs. a lawyer's closing argument
A pat on the back vs. a lawyer’s closing argument
If you found a company in Austria or have a business idea – perhaps even an innovative one – you have to do a lot of convincing. Every day. Everywhere. Whether in communication with your environment, with the bank or a funding agency. In addition, there is a large amount of critical feedback. Asked or unasked, you are given many reasons why this cannot and will not work. You feel more like the lawyer in the closing argument for his defendant than an entrepreneur working on his company’s success.
Across the Atlantic, and in my case in Hollywood, the picture is completely different. If you start a business in the U.S., you get pats on the back, motivating words and trust. I received a check for $140,000 down from one of my first clients – he didn’t ask for collateral, testimonials or question my business strategy. My company was a mailbox at that point. That basic trust you receive from society, in people, ideas, innovation makes all the difference. The focus is on success, not failure. We in Austria should really learn this attitude from the USA, to create an open and innovation-friendly climate – “just do it” versus the Austrian version of “wait and see”-“schau ma mal” –