Empower Her


MentorUS is a mentoring program for female employees of AmCham Austria member companies with a minimum of 5 years of working experience, who get nominated by their companies.

MentorUS brings together a senior and diverse pool of Austro-American business leaders with women who are or strive to be in a leadership/management role.

By participating in the Program, female employees of AmCham Austria will have the opportunity to gain meaningful insights by engaging with senior business leaders from diverse backgrounds over a period of 9 months. This unique experience will enable the participants to broaden their perspectives and enhance their understanding of various business practices and grants access to ConnectUS events, providing an excellent opportunity to expand their professional network.


Our MentorUS mentors 2023

Linda Villarreal-Paierl

CEO, Paierl Consulting


Vice President, Oracle EMEA-East

Dagmar Dvorakova

CEO, Aquilia Group

Jean-Pierre Kallanian

Coach, EPIConsulting

Felix Thun-Hohenstein

CEO, Thun-Hohenstein Consulting

Christine Catasta

Chairwoman, BIG; several supervisory board roles

Hermann Erlach

General Manager, Microsoft Austria

Barbara Redlein

Partner, PwC Europe


ConnectUS is the premiere Networking Program of AmCham Austria and its member organizations. The aim of the initiative is to enable new connections and foster professional relationships within the next generation of leaders across various businesses sectors in Austria with close ties to the US for the sake of promoting women’s empowerment and gender equality. 

ConnectUS is a high-end AmCham member-nominated program, whose quality largely depends on the personality and engagement of the selected participants. Nominees should be young professionals with a minimum of 4-5 years of working experience who are not only top talent but have demonstrated future leadership potential in their respective organizations. 

Participants in this program will enjoy a host of exciting benefits. They become part of a hand-picked community of inspiring professionals, embracing a unique opportunity to network and build relationships with some of the brightest talent across different organizations. Furthermore, with the series of events held in Vienna, participants will experience insightful and interesting talks on female-relevant topics by inspiring diverse speakers.   


Our ConnectUS events 2023

Empower Her #Launch Event

Kicking off our Empower Her Program with participants from the MentorUS and Connect US programs as well as US ambassador Victoria Reggie Kennedy and EcoAustria-Director Monika Köppl-Turyna


Find out more here

ConnectUS Event #1

Influence your career by increasing communication skills & personal branding – with Tatjana Lackner (Schule des Sprechens)


Find out more here

ConnectUS Event #2

Growth Agile Leadership in Action – with Helga Pattart-Drexler (Techhouse)


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ConnectUS Event #3

Resilience and Personal Power – with Patricia Neumann (CEO Siemens Österreich), Barbara Sandner (Sr Director Talent Management Medtronic), Kristin Walzer (Mentaltrainerin & Executive Coach) und Michael Brönner (Country Manager Mastercard Österreich)


Find out more here

Upcoming ConnectUS events

Empower Her #Infossession Event

How to participate in Empower Her Class of 2024/25


Empower Her #Closing Event

EmpowerHer 2023/24 Closing

September 2024